Tuesday 30 April 2019

Day 1

We had an amazing day in our new spaces today, everyone arrived so eager to learn and to be a part of our family for Term 2.

This afternoon we had two special visitors.

They had visited us from NASA and were full of exciting knowledge!

We had a great discussion about what we think scientists are.


  • Discover
  • Experiment
  • Prove and disprove things about different topics
  • Find evidence
  • Figure out natural phenomena
  • Making the future, designing technologies to come
  • Building the future and discovering the past
  • Very smart dudes who question, predict, hypothesise and solve things
  • Study and work with the sciences - biology, archaeology, astronomy, astrology, physics, meteorology, chemistry
  • Observe
  • A person who studies space is called an astronomer
  • Explore
  • Investigate
  • Uncover
  • Elaborate
  • Adapt
  • Evolve
  • Make connections and re apply their learning
  • Unleash new information

We are incredibly excited to learn all about space and to share our learning with others.

We also began learning about Myths and Legends, some of us have amazing knowledge about a range of these - from mythical creatures to Greek and Roman Gods. If you have some Myths and Legends books that you would be willing to share with us, please send them along.

What a fantastic start to our term together.

Our NASA visitors revealed!

Sunday 28 April 2019

Teaser Alert

$500 for the first person to comment and guess where Ms Saxon was yesterday and what this activity is...

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Performing Arts with Mrs Hocking

Today R17 spent their day with Mrs Hocking re-enacting Greek Myths using dramatic conventions, as well as creating masks.

Below groups are using their bodies to create the moment Pandora opens the box.

STEM Challenge Monday

To create an aircraft that can carry the maximum amount of cargo a short distance.

Using paper, tape and coins (cargo).

There was a lot of competitive spirit yesterday afternoon - check out some of the videos below.

Friday 5 April 2019

If Only

Today we talked about being brave and nothing being impossible.

If only the world's features
Weren't marked by man.

If only the shadows of evil
Were lightened into kindness,
If only the world didn't revolve around a dollar.

If only every soul stood a chance to live free,
If only darkness yielded to the bright light of humanity,

If only fear stepped down,
But wasn't eliminated,
If only the world was free.

Image result for shadows with light

If only love ruled the world
If hate faded away
If freedom lived in peace
If the shy faces could shine bright.

If only the forlorn places can shine
If bravery can conquer the shadows
If the dark clouds vanished.

If only the love of one soul can break a war
If the serenity of hate can calm the world.

If only the masked people can show their true faces
If only.

Image result for masked faces

If only everyones' scars
Hadn't been buried under their skins.

If only serenity didn't yield
To the swords of hatred.

If only your true identity
Was engraved into the walls of liberty.

If only the forlorn sky
Hadn't been disturbed by the figures below.

If only.

Image result for forlorn sky

If only the dark hearts
Were drowned by forgiveness
So peace united.

If only the universe
Had its own story
That longed to be told.

If only the world
Had its liberty
So that everyone could be free.

If only the forlorn stars
Were as bright as the Milky Way
And would come together as if they were family.

If only.

Image result for milky way

If only bashful people
Could release their confidence.

If dark nature
Could turn colourful.

If face was truth
So no-one lied.

If all nature were tall
Not small.

If nightmares were destroyed
By thoughts.

If love existed for every heart.

If only.

Image result for loving heart

If only tranquility
Was big enough to share
With every soul,
Hatred driven away.

If only the world could talk
Give its feelings
Give its cries of pain
Maybe then we might care.

If only we didn't fight
Hands are for everything
But not for pulling the trigger
Man should only be overcome by age.

If only Hell was not needed
No soul dead early.

If only darkness didn't exist
If only the hear was not engulfed in a veil
If only the sun inside every soul never went out.

If only.

Image result for hatred driven away

Gumboot Day

We had a blast supporting Mike King's Gumboot Day today, and puddle jumping!

Can you guess who is who?!