Wednesday 8 May 2019

Curious Students

This afternoon we were visited by official NASA wearing astronauts!

We also began to come up with questions that really interest us using the question matrix.

Image result for question matrix

  • How might the Desolace interact with our solar system?
  • What is a white dwarf made out of?
  • How did scientists find Pluto?
  • Why are dwarf planets not planets?
  • How might we be able to live on Mars?
  • How are the constellations made into stories?
  • How could planets ever collide?
  • How might we prevent the sun's supernova?
  • How are satellites and rocket ships designed?
  • How and why are constellations formed?
  • How might we find another planet that humans could live on?
  • How are satellites sent into space?
  • How is a supernova created?
  • Is the Oort cloud linked with the Desolace star?
  • What is the chemical reaction to create stars?
  • How does the moon reflect light if it is made of rock?
  • How might humans be brought to Europa?
  • Could there be anything beyond the Milky Way?
  • How was the first solar system created?
  • What might happen to the astronauts' bodies on the ISS?
  • What might happen if you hit the end of the universe?
  • What might happen if you touched the Milky Way?


  1. What an exciting topic! I love the costumes!

  2. Georgia Chilton10 May 2019 at 06:59

    Those are cool astronauts by Georgia

  3. Looking good astronauts!!
