Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Blowing Us Away!

This morning Leroy blew us away. He is building a wooden boat to scale and all his plans are in feet and inches. Because of this he has to do heaps of conversions to centimetres. To make this easier he has coded a programme that does these conversions for him!! Woah Leroy, you are amazing!

Jack is doing so well with his drumming that Maddox has asked him to teach him how to play!

Ashton is helping Cooper paint his tyres to create small seats

Maya is painting her guinea pig cage

Sam is creating mini animal models out of clay

Arthur is designing a Mars city!!

Connor has plans and dimensions for his go-cart
We are so proud of the variety of Passion Projects that are on the go. Feel free to come and visit anytime, we will be sharing them with our community in week 9.


  1. Well done everyone!! you deserve to be very proud of yourself.

  2. Wow it seems heaps of people are making areally big improvment!!

  3. i love passion projects
