Friday 15 February 2019


Our Year 6s wrote as warriors this morning, check out some of their phenomenal language.

The warrior of my soul
Battling for tranquility
Against anger of the brain
Outwitting intelligence
For the good of serenity.

The shields of love protecting from swords of hatred
Spears of peace deflecting the forlorn arrows
Weapons of kindness can beat tools of death
The warrior of my soul strengthens my heart.

Image result for fighting warriors

This warrior inside of you
Has been fighting to make others see
What a warrior you are!

Even though he or she is in darkness
To them there is still light.

Your life might be cruel and scary
But you must find the light
And defend yourself past the journeys.

The mountains you climb
Are a step closer to victory.

Image result for warrior inside

Words hurt more than knives
Arrows shooting at you from every direction
The warrior of my soul.

The warrior of my soul,
Turning around the future
A happy life he lives now.

He was the one who
Others chose to follow
He was the man who chose to change other's future.

The warrior of my soul
Protecting country, people and land
The warrior's goodwill travels fast.

Image result for hurtful words

As the day commences I'm prepared
This depends on my life and others
As I clasp my sword of strength and positivity
A looping arrow of negativity thrusts towards me
I hold out my sword
The looping arrow rebounds off my sword
And goes zooming back to the enemy
I look at my foe, his bloodshed on the ground
I did it, I saved my country.

Image result for sword in hand

You are a warrior
The fierce warrior
Who is strong and powerful
But you have seen so many gruesome things happening to people
But it keep happening
Bloodshed from people having arrows thrown at them
But I fight because I want serenity
For my family and my friends.

Image result for powerful warrior