Tuesday 26 February 2019

What is money?

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What is Money???

Our definitions

Money is...

a form of trading that you use to get objects with.

what you use to pay for stuff and to actually live. 

something generally a note or coin, although now a days people use cards, you exchange that to get the things you need and want. 

what the world evolves around.

a thing where you buy it, it gets destroyed, and then you get another thing.

something that you use to purchase something. 

things you buy clothes, water and food.

something you buy stuff you need to live with. 

an object that keeps on passing on to other people. 

something to buy supplies that you need to live with. 

something that is made out of metal, paper or plastic (acrylic) that can also be in a bank account which is technology.

Was there always money in history? 

Harvey told us a story about a Blacksmith and a Butcher trading meat for tools. A fair trade is when the two parties agree on the value of each item. People may haggle to find a fair trading value. 

You do not need money to trade, even in this time. ie. trading cards, food.

We think that money did not always exist but the idea of trading is traditional, though often violence was used instead of mutual trading. 

Ways our families trade- home kill meat, home grown vegetables and fruits, cars (trade-ins) 

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