Monday 11 March 2019


This afternoon we had a blast discovering more about bubbles - their characteristics, which state/s of matter they exist in, the mathematics of them, and how to create them.

We watched the following TED talk and were amazed when the scientist created six bubbles stuck together that in turn created a perfect cube in the centre!

We were then given plastic straws as well as wire to create bubble blowers.

The mixture we used was:

  • One cup green dishwashing liquid
  • Six cups water
  • 1Tbs glycerin

On top of some great hypothesising and learning, we may well have had just a little bit of fun!

Finally, here are a couple of videos.


  1. Today i thought the bubbles where interesting and i learnt the difference between liquid, solid and gas.I like tech challenges because i learn lots of different things.

  2. I loved learning about bubbles, because I thought they were just water and dish soap. I also liked learning about gas solids and water.

  3. That was great fun,
    Talking about the different particle states and blowing bubbles
