Friday 15 March 2019

Poem of Joys

This morning R17 examined Walt Whitman's Poem of Joys and wrote our own versions.

O hands off for the lurking webs
O the serene sun emerging from dusk's end
O the crashing waves embracing my spirit
O for the destiny I have found from my past.

Image result for crashing waves

O jubilant friends colouring my world
Filling the darkness and liberty of the universe
The forlorn leaves drifting down
Decreasing nature
The joy of my spirit uncaged,
The happy soul stays in my heart.

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O jubilant colours eddy in my head
And greenery swirls out
Colouring the black and white
Nature that engulfs.

O light reverberating off glistening water
Splitting into plain colours
Piercing the forlorn clouds
Changing into a vibrant array of colours.

White slicing my heart in half
The two properties spill out
Blue tranquility and black anger
The soul, the glue and the weight that holds
The two together and keeps it in balance.

And every person that takes a chip out of my soul
Puts both out of balance.

Image result for light on glistening water

O hear his name, O jubilant joy,
Waves crash over rocks creating mother nature's lullaby
And the warm air, calming.

O for the birds' song that awakens the dawn,
Let sunshine merge with the joy of my spirit,
I am free,
Free to be me!

Image result for sunshine light

As I listen carefully to the raindrops
Dancing down to the shore.

O the sunshine rising up to catch
The calm white clouds.

O the voice of nature
Gently entering my mind.

O the animals prancing over to me
As I give them serenity.

Image result for raindrops

O the sounds of nature
Bringing calm to the world.

O the freedom of existence
Feeding to people joy.

O the destiny that envelopes people.

O the tears of the clouds
Eddy down the window.

Image result for raindrops

O for the wind whistling past,
The soft currents of air
Bringing freshness and life.

O for the sea caressing the sand.
O for the clouds drifting free.

O for music, both jagged and soft.
O for nature, vibrant and calm.
O for life, joyous though not infinite.

Image result for sea on sand

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