Tuesday 5 March 2019

Lime Research

Last week we began discussing Lime Scooters; their impacts, their costs, methods of payment, Juicers etc.

We generated a number of questions and today were part of small groups that tried to gain information from reputable websites. We had a discussion about BIAS as one group were attempting to find out whether Limes are actually eco friendly. Ben mentioned that of course the Lime website says they are, but without backing this up with independent evidence.

How much does a Lime cost to make?

How much does it cost per minute?

Are you able to get refunds?

Where did they originate? How was the idea generated?

What are the safety concerns?
Be mindful of obstacles, brake when you need to, learn how to park.

How are they built and what are they made out of?

What is the engine RPM? Battery voltage? Engine type?
Motor 48volts, RPM 3000, electric brush motor, battery holds 30,000watts

How much to Juicers get paid?

What are the faults?
In Auckland they have been stopping suddenly, wire brush in motor deteriorates and gets stuck in the motor.

Where are they around the world? What are the numbers?
USA, NZ, Australia, 19 countries

Why are they linked to an app?
Ease of payment and GPS tracked.

Are they energy efficient?

Image result for lime scooter


  1. Usually a juicer gets paid $7 for each scooter but sometimes it can go up to $14

  2. Juicers get $7 to 15 depending on location and battery life.

  3. Lime scooters costs five hundred dollars each
